|Browser| <= User, Request goes in the form of HTTP protocol.
|Server | <= Web Server,Give you the Response back.
|Rack | <= Your middle man between server and app, so called Middleware.
|Rails | <= Rails application stack.
Response = [Status, Header, Body]
Status: Integer
Header: Hash
Body: Array
# Typical Response
[ 200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello world!"] ]
Rack 是回應
方法的 Ruby 物件,接受一個 hash 參數,將status
以 Array 的形式返回。
是 Rack 的設定檔。rackup
會讀取 config.ru
Sinatra、Ruby on Rails、幾乎所有用 Ruby 寫成的 web framework,都採用 Rack 作為 Middleware。