図書館 is free and awesome. I live in Shibuya-ku. There are 10 libraries in Shibuya-ku (crazy right?).
Any resident in Japan.
Go to the library and apply with your 在留カード/健康保険証/運転免許証, fill out a form.
The staff will issue you a card (利用者カード) immediately!
本や雑誌は 30 冊まで、CD などの視聴覚資料は 10 点まで。
30 books/magzines, 10 CDs/audiovisual data.
Each library has a self-renting machine that you scan your member card, then stack books on designated area, whola, renting is done.
Go to the library's website, login with your member number + first-time password1
貸出中のものや、ほかの図書館の本や雑誌、CD などの視聴覚資料を取寄せいたします。
If the book/magzine/CD you want is in library B, but you live close to library A. They will send the book from B to A and let you know by email.
2 週間借りることができます。予約が入っていなければ、返却期限の延長ができます。
2 weeks. If no reservation lines up, you can extend the return date.
1 回に限り、当初の返却日から 2 週間の延長をすることができます。
Extend the original return date for another two weeks2.
If you did not make it on the date you need to return to the library, you can return in the book post (ブックポスト).
Bring your books to the library, fill in a form (寄贈申込書), and they will take it.
If somehow they could not take it, you can leave them at the 交換コーナー to let other people take it.
- 武雄図書館・佐賀県
- 国際教養大学中嶋記念図書館・秋田県
- 国立国会図書館関西館・京都府
- みんなの森・岐阜県