Akami is one of the pieces you’ll find when you try Omakase sushi. The lean part of the Tuna, soaked into a cooked sauce (usually consist of soy sauce and other things). In the Edo period, people put Tuna into soy sauce is to delay the degration.
Now we have technologies to keep Tuna fresh. But the tuna soaked in soy sauce brings unique Umami. The modern chef today still follows the Edo technique of marinating Tuna. It removes the smell of Tuna. It gives the Tuna a beautiful taste.
It is the same when you want to pitch an idea.
Write it down. Let it marinate.
It is the same when you want to change something.
Write it down. Let it marinate.
It is the same when you want to comment on something.
Wait for a while. Let it marinate.
Marinate Your Ideas. Write it down somewhere.
Come back later. It’ll be better.
Time is magical.