AWS Fargate

Current version 2022.04.25 1.4.0

AWS Fargate is a technology that you can use with Amazon ECS to run containers. You don’t need to worry about instance type anymore, only need to specify CPU and memory you need:

Source — 2022.04.26

CPU value Memory value (MiB)
256 (.25 vCPU) 512 (0.5GB), 1024 (1GB), 2048 (2GB)
512 (.5 vCPU) 1024 (1GB), 2048 (2GB), 3072 (3GB), 4096 (4GB)
1024 (1 vCPU) 2048 (2GB), 3072 (3GB), 4096 (4GB), 5120 (5GB), 6144 (6GB), 7168 (7GB), 8192 (8GB)
2048 (2 vCPU) Between 4096 (4GB) and 16384 (16GB) in increments of 1024 (1GB)
4096 (4 vCPU) Between 8192 (8GB) and 30720 (30GB) in increments of 1024 (1GB)