2020.04.10 React version is v16.13.1.
- Babel to compile JSX into JavaScript. Babel playground.
for render:ReactDOM.render(element, within_element)
shorthand<> ... </>
- Use Function Components
- Function Component starts with uppercase and self closed
<Message />
; PascalCase for Component Name. - Class-based components superseded by React hooks (functions) (since React 16.8)
- Compose Components instead of Inheritance
- Recommend: Epic React by Kent C. Dodds
Writing HTML in JS. In JSX, Interpolation happens in {}
const className = 'quote'
const children = 'Quote'
<div className={className}>{children}</div>
will compile into React.createElement(...)
Use prop-types for runtime validation of React Components
function Greet(name) {
<div>Hello, {name}</div>
Greet.propTypes = {
name: PropTypes.string,
name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
prop-types not runs on production. You need to install babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types to remove prop-types code from source.